We're proud to introduce this new feature to show Confluence pages in a side panel! Less context switching for users on google calendar, google meet and whatever webpage you'd like to view Confluence pages in context!
Here's how it works.
Confluence Side Panel for Google Calendar
First of all you can use it right from Google Calendar. In the quick view and edit view of any event. Once you created a Confluence page from there, the option will appear.

Side Panel for Google Meet
Second, you can use it together with Google Meet. This is awesome this way you have your meeting notes always visible without getting lost in browser tabs.
Simply click on the extension start button (top right, next to the puzzle / chrome extensions icon).
Then choose a recently viewed page, or search for any page by typing in your keyword.
Click on the View in Side Panel icon, and voilà!

If the side panel annoys you or hides some options, just minimize it.

Confluence Side Panel on any other website
Last but not least, you can bring ANY confluence page in the side panel view.
To achieve this:
- Use the extension "start" button on the top right (could be hidden under the extensions "puzzle" icon).
- Search for any page you'd like to display
- Click on the "show in side panel icon"
- If requested, grant permissions to show the page in context of the current page
- Enjoy your Confluence pages in context of wherever it's useful for you
Less context switching, more time for focused work! 🤓
For example if you use a Conference Software like whereby

We hope you like this feature, let us know your feedback!