Hello beautiful people in Project Management!
On Tuesday June 14th, 2022 5:30pm I will be giving a talk about "Meeting Management is Project Management: 8 Best Practices, implemented.".
Meetings are at the heart of many dynamic projects, and you should never underestimate how much impact they can have. If you're careless about your meeting culture, your team energy will drain and your performance will suffer. *Dramatic End*
Many talks give you a lot of theory, but often people don't know how to implement the great tip on "have an agenda". Well, not in this talk!
I'll introduce you to 8 Meeting Best Practices and guide you on how you could implement them with a modern Meeting Management Software, such as Confluence + Meetical.
Here you can watch a Trailer on Youtube 😎

Register for free: jexo.io/pm72
Spoiler: One of the most powerful best practices for meetings is, like any event, to have everything connected to your Calendar!
Add the talk to your Calendar ;)
See you online on the livestream and make sure you join the Europe Afterparty to meet me!