Time to celebrate! 🎉

Our new App Confluence Task Reports Dashboard for Jira won the 4th price in the famous Atlassian Codegeist 2022 Hackathon!

A competition running worldwide with more than 3674 participants!

This is fantastic and we're proud of this achievement. Read the official announcement.

For a limited time, the App is available for free!

Update: Available on the Marketplace since January 23

-> Install Task Reports App for Jira/Confluence

This new App brings new Gadgets for Jira to integrate Confluence Tasks right into your Jira Dashboards!

Meetical Hackathon Team Celebrating

Advanced Confluence Task Reports

Let's have a look at the most important features of the App.

There are 3 new gadgets you can add to your Dashboards: Task Reports, Task Activities and Task Analytics.

The task report gadget shows all tasks with due dates and assignee for a specific Jira/Confluence group of people

You can complete tasks directly from the report and moreover, complete the task by documenting the outcome quickly.

Complete tasks instantly during your weekly meetings and quickly document the outcome. No need to open/edit the original page.

A Calendar view shows all your team's task on a nice calendar.

You can also export / sync / subscribe to all tasks directly from your work calendar!

View Tasks on a nice calendar view + sync tasks with a subscription URL to your personal calendar!

An activity feed allows everyone to see the latest updates regarding Confluence tasks created & completed.

Show completed tasks and activity feeds to create a sense of progess and stay up-to-date

Analytics and Gamification features help to keep yourself and your team up to speed

For a limited time, the App is 100% free to use!

-> Install the App for FREE – please give us feedback in return :)

Here is our submission video including a live demo of the product, enjoy! 😎