Good news!
We've just launched a completely free starter version of Meetical for Confluence!
For those of you, new to Meetical, our Apps help you to make your meetings more productive create & share meeting notes faster and easier. Connect your Calendar to Confluence and enjoy more productive meetings.
Until now, users who wanted to try Meetical, needed to have admin rights – or a really good relation to their Confluence admins (which actually never hurts).
In Addition to the free 30-day trial which has all the features and no usage limits, you now have the option to use a free version. And the best of it, you don't need admin rights to get started.
Simply install the Calendar Add-ins and get started:
- Get the FREE Confluence Chrome Extension (for Google Calendar)

- Get the FREE Confluence Outlook Add-in (for Microsoft 365 Calendar)

And if you are a great Confluence Admin, then install the free 30 day trial of Meetical Meetings STANDARD edition, to get all the great macros, meeting automations, amazing meeting templates and much more!

Is it really free? Yes, however... the free version comes with a usage limit and currently does not include any meeting automation features. Also the pages are not as as feature rich as in the Standard version, since without installing the Confluence App alongside, you don't have any additional macros. - However: it's free! And you can create + link meeting pages in seconds. Also it's great to experience yourself, how Meetical works.
For a detailed feature comparison, head over to our Cloud Pricing page.
Looking forward to have you on board of Meetical soon and help you make your meetings productive - and serious fun! ;)
Have a great day and...
Get Meetical!